SuiteCRM Error: Inbound Email Cannot Function Without the IMAP c-client Libraries
When I migrated SuiteCRM from Windows Server to Ubuntu, I scheduled cron job but the output showed the following error. Inbound Email cannot function without the IMAP c-client libraries enabled/compiled with the PHP module. When I tried to search online, I did not get a quick answer. After understanding some technical details of the error,…
Chrome and Edge Shows Wrong Photo Orientation
You have an application in which you show a photo. Intermittently, you get some photos show up with wrong orientation. In Internet Explorer, photo shows up correctly but Chrome and Edge causes the problem. As a developer, you may think it is an Internet Explorer issue because Chrome and Edge conforms to the specs. But…
Convert PowerPoint Slides to Word Document Using VBA Macro
If you have PowerPoint file with lots of slides, sometimes it is very difficult to read even if you print multiple slides on single page. Copy pasting from PowerPoint to MS Word is difficult or tedious depending on what tricks are you using. If you came across this article, you already know what I am…
Stretch Background Image to Cover Entire Area in Phaser 3
If you have a background image and want to stretch it so that entire canvas area is covered, here is a sample code written in Typescript.
“App Not Installed” Error When Installing App on Android Device
You have developed an Android app, built the app in Release mode and you are ready to install it. You have copied the apk on the phone, clicked on app to install and after sometime you get a message “App Not Installed”. I have developed an app in Xamarin using Visual Studio but this error…
Starting a New Scene is Not Working in Phaser 3
You started working on creating a game with Phaser and added couple of scenes. So far your game is working as expected. Now you added one more scene using following code. But somehow you don’t see this scene in your game. You can only see a background. Even though you have copied the code, validated…
Xamarin: Android Device Not Visible in Visual Studio
You have developed and tested your Xamarin app on android emulator. Now it is a time to test on real android device. Following advice from online resources, you would have connected your android phone/tablet to your development machine and expected your device to show up in the list in Visual Studio. If the android device…
Blow, Float and Pop Bubble Animation in PowerPoint
If you are looking for bubble animation in which you want to blow the bubble, float the bubble as if it is in air and pop the bubble after sometime, here is a quick trick. Blow, float and pop effect can be achieved easily with available PowerPoint animations.
Multiple Fail2ban.sqlite3 Files Consuming Too Much Disk Space
I have recently upgraded my Digital Ocean droplet from 18.04 to 20.04 LTS. After the upgrade, I realized that droplet was consuming 80% of disk space. I have a basic droplet with 1GB RAM, 1 CPU, 25 GB hard disk to host multiple site and it is a good enough configuration for my need. But…
Drupal 7, 8: Your Server Does Not Support Installing Modules & Themes
On my Windows 10 machine, I installed Drupal 7 and 8 on IIS Server. When I wanted to install modules, it gave the following error. Error: Your server does not support installing modules and themes. This issue is related to permission only. Windows Configuration Windows 10 IIS Express PHP 7.1 (As FastCGI on IIS) Application…