
  • Joomla Extension to Type in 23 Indian Languages

    Edit: 13 February, 2018 I have created Joomla Extension for typing in 23 Indian languages so you don’t need to manually make a code change. Just download the extension, install it and enable. Download Joomla Indic Typing Extension Today I am going to explore various ways to easily type in 23 Indian languages in your…


  • Get a List of Fonts From PowerPoint Using Open XML SDK

    PowerPoint Get Fonts

    Here is a quick code to get a list of fonts used within the PowerPoint using Open XML SDK 2.5. This code works only when the fonts are explicitly set for any elements. Fonts set within the Slide Master or Slide Layout cannot be extracted using the code below but you need to have a…


  • Excel Keyboard Shortcut for Grouping Sheets

    Ctrl + Shift + Page Down will group two consecutive sheets (and accidentally cause a problem in VBA)


  • Range.Sort Throws an Error Even Though Cells Are Not Merged

    Recently, we encountered an issue in our production environment where so-far-nicely-working complex spreadsheet threw an exception on Range.Sort. The error description was “to do this all merged cells should be of same size”. Unfortunately there was no merged cell and Excel was still complaining about merged cell. Finally I figured out that the range contained…


  • Why TabCtrl_GetCurSel Always Returns 0?

    TabCtrl_GetCurSel returns 0 when the handler passed as a parameter is “invalid”. Here is the fix. If you are using a dialog box, you need to get the tab handler using GetDlgItem(dialog_hwnd, MY_TAB_ID); and pass that handler to TabCtrl_GetCurSel. Make sure you are using the correct variable. I faced the issue when I had two…


  • PramukhIME CKEditor Plugin 4.0.0 released

    I am very pleased to announce that today on the day of Maha Shivratri, I have released PramukhIME CKEditor Plugin 4.0.0 which supports CKEditor 4.x. Using this plugin user can type in 23 Indian languages (Assamese, Bengali, Bodo, Dogri, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Kashmiri, Konkani, Maithili, Malayalam, Meitei, Manipuri, Marathi (Devnagari and Modi), Nepali, Oriya, Punjabi,…


  • SSIS Oracle Error Solution: ORA-01406: Fetched Column Value Was Truncated

    I was modifying an SSIS package in which I was fetching data from Oracle source using Attunity. The query was complex and using multiple CTEs to fetch data. As soon as I added new query in Oracle Source and remapped the columns in the destination object, everything looked good at design time but when I…


  • CKEditor 4 Custom Plugin Development Tips for PRO

    I am developing a complex CKEditor plugin for typing in 23 Indian languages based on my PramukhIME JavaScript Library. If you are developing a complex plugin, CKEditor documentation is of little help. Here are some tips on what to do when you need certain features About PramukhIME JavaScript Library PramukhIME JavaScript Library is a highly…


  • RollingFileAppender BufferSize is not Working? Here is an Alternative

    If you have used log4net for your logging need, you may have come across the bufferSize property of the appender which will allow you to buffer x number of log entries and then it will flush. It is good for logging performance. Now you want to use RollingFileAppender and bufferSize is not working at all…


  • Extension Less URLs for All Web Form Pages Using 4 Lines of Code

    If you have an existing asp .net Web form application and trying to use routing to convert existing URLs to extension less friendly URLs for SEO, you would find lots of samples with MVC, but none of them will give you a way to convert existing Web form pages into extension less URLs . If…
