
  • .Net Application: How to Use Tokens

    Have you come across an application or library which accepts the %token{format} input and based on token and format, the application calculates the value and uses it. You might wonder how easy it is to accept the token and format for your custom application? Here is the ready made code which helps your application define…


  • Get DATETIME Value From msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory

    If you ever had to work with SQL Job Agent and find out the details about run time for the job/step, you would find it difficult to convert the INT into DATETIME. Here is the quick solution. To get the start date time, use msdb.dbo.agent_datetime function available in SQL Server 2005 onwards. If you are…


  • Running Mercurial 2.x Web server on IIS 7.5

    I don’t understand why Mercurial does not have proper instructions on running Mercurial Web server on IIS. All the tutorials that I found on internet was referring to older version of Mercurial (1.x) and some little parts were not relevant to this new release. So here is my couple of hours of trial and errors…


  • How to Integrate BugTracker.NET 3.x and Mercurial 2.x

    Recently I had a need to integrate Mercurial and BugTracker.NET so that I can view all the bugs and changeset information at one place. On the internet I could not find a single place where I could find a comprehensive guide to integrate both the systems. After lots of trials and errors, I finally have…


  • Excel VBA – Frequently Used Code Snippets

    If you happen to occasionally work on Excel VBA, you would forget various functions and for a small but advanced VBA, you would have to use Google for each line of code. Here is all at one place.


  • SEO: 301 Redirect of Static HTML Page

    Have you ever been into a situation where you had built static pages and later you wanted to either move that page to other location or convert it into dynamic pages using .Net/php/jsp? If your server would be Linux, you would use .htaccess file to redirect it but for IIS it would be a headache.…


  • Facebook and Google Plus Cover Photo Template

    As Facebook and Google Plus are offering various tools for your online presence, many people are using it to showcase their talent. One of the most prominent part being a creative cover photo. If you are wondering how people are creating pixel perfect cover photo, here is an answer. You can also use the following …


  • Crystal Report Error: Procedure or Function expects parameter which was not supplied

    I had Web application built using VS 2005 which had a crystal report. When I moved the Website from production to dev environment, crystal report stopped working stating that “Procedure or Function expects parameter which was not supplied”. All the parameters were supplied correctly but I was still getting the same error. I checked the…


  • How To: CVS to Mercurial Conversion Using ConvertExtension

    For my personal projects, I “was” using CVSNT for version control. I had an old laptop which was crashed few days ago. Fortunately, I had a backup of all the projects CVS files. I got new laptop and I had to install CVSNT but I got another shock. Now for CVSNT, I have to pay…


  • MS Access: HTML Editor Control to Use in Forms

    If you want to get HTML editor within MS Access form, there are couple of solutions available. The free solution I know is to get Not So Elegant HTML Editor. The problem with this editor is that After looking at this editor, you will never say “so cool” It is good for basic editing but…
