What is Standalone 7-zip?
It is a single executable that can be used to zip and unzip files without installing 7-zip on a machine.
How to Get Standalone 7-zip?
Visit the page https://www.7-zip.org/download.html and download “7-Zip Extra: standalone console version, 7z DLL, Plugin for Far Manager”

Command to Create a Zip and Split it Based on a File Size?
"C:\EXE_LOCATION\7za.exe" a -v2m "Release4.zip" "*.xlsm"
EXE_LOCATION = Full path of 7za.exe on the computer
a = create archive(=zip)
-v2m = split the file into 2MB
“Release4.zip” = zip output file name
“*.xlsm” = source file name(s) to zip
Command to Extract Files From Splitted Zip Files?
Note: Even though you are specifying only the the first part in the command, the command will look for all the parts in the same folder and extract it.
"C:\EXE_LOCATION\7za.exe" e -o"C:\MY_FOLDER\" "C:\ZIP_FILE_LOCATION\Release4.zip.001"
EXE_LOCATION = Full path of 7za.exe on the computer
MY_FOLDER = Output folder where the unzipped files will reside
ZIP_FILE_LOCATION = Location of zip file to unzip
e = extract from zip file
-o = output directory
“C:\ZIP_FILE_LOCATION\Release4.zip.001” = first part of zip file
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