
Can’t Upload Image in Confluence? Assign “Add Attachment” Permission

Confluence serves as a team workspace where members can create, organize, and collaborate on various types of content, such as documents, meeting notes, and project plans.

If your team member does not have Add Attachment permission, they will not be able to view “Add Image” button in the editor toolbar. Even though they have permissions to add page and edit content, they cannot upload image and add to page.

How to assign “Add Attachment” permission?

Visit your Confluence space and click on Space Settings

Confluence Space Settings navigation menu

Under “Space permissions” click on Users or Groups depending on how you have/want to setup permissions.

Confluence space settings user/group permission navigation menu

Make sure you have the User / Groups tab selected. Click on “Edit” button to update permission.

Confluence permission page

Under “Attachments” column, you will see two permissions:

  • Add
  • Delete

Check the box for “Add” (and/or “Delete”) depending on what kind of permissions you want to provide.

Confluence Add Attachment permission

Click on “Save” button and you are done.

Now your team members will be able to upload images.



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