
Shopify Roadblocks You Will Likely Hit Within a Month

Shopify is a great platform for small business owners to quickly setup a store and start selling their product. It provides a simplified platform for anyone to sell without worrying about maintaining the Website. Alternatives are either too costly or hard to manage so small business owners are tempted to setup a store at Shopify.

Following are the roadblocks you will find when using the Shopify

  • Only the home page has drag and drop section to format it weather you use free theme or paid theme
  • For all other pages, you cannot customize it out of the box. It will give you only Microsoft Word like editor (technically wysiwyg editor) where you can type long text and it will be shown. Even though Shopify Debut theme (or any other theme) is responsive, if you want multiple responsive columns, you need to use raw html in order to get what you need.
  • Exporting a customer CSV file will take couple of hours even though you have few customers and it will be sent by email. For automation, you will require custom development.
  • Shopify does not provide adding more fields to customer registration form without using any paid apps.
  • Home page customization or any other theme customization is stored within a theme. If you switch the theme, everything will be lost.

All these roadblocks are listed not to discourage using Shopify but to save your time and hassle.



2 responses to “Shopify Roadblocks You Will Likely Hit Within a Month”

  1. LM Avatar

    Thanks for your information. We are using Shopify’s Debut 14.4.0. Does the list of roadblocks still apply to this version?

    1. Vishal Monpara Avatar
      Vishal Monpara

      Hello LM,

      At the time of writing this post, there was a discussion regarding customization feature for (other than home) pages just like home page. At this moment, I am not using Shopify so don’t know the status of any of the roadblocks found earlier.

      Vishal Monpara

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